

Date of birth : 20th January1967 Nationality : French
Postal address : Centre d’Investigation Clinique, Bat Paul Castaigne, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, 47-83 Bd de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France
Phone :+ 33 142 161 250/977 Fax : + 33 142 161 958 E-mail :
ADELI: 751647280 - RPPS: 10001269207  Position:
- Research Director Inserm (DR2), Centre d’investigation Clinique, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris
- Team leader, Behavior, emotion and basal ganglia – CRICM U975, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris
- Psychiatrist (Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière)
- Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Paris 6 University, 2002
- Residency in Psychiatry, Paris 5 University, 1996
- M.D., with distinction (Médaille d'Argent de la Faculté de Necker), Paris 5 University, 1996
- Neuroscience Post-graduate Diploma (DEA), Orsay CEA-DSV, Paris 6 University, 1993
Additional training:
- Post-Doctoral Fellow: 2002 – 2004: CNRS UMR 7593, Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France.
Professional experience:
- Chief Editor of Abstract Psychiatrie, Paris, since 2004
- Researcher at CNRS UMR7593, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière: 2004-2006
- Researcher Assistant (CNRS-AP-HP) at CNRS UMR7593, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière: 2000-2002
- Professor Assistant, Psychiatric Department, CHU Chenevier-Henri Mondor, Créteil: 1996-1999, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière: 1999-2000
University teaching activities:
- Master of Psychopathology et Neurobiology of Development and Behavior Paris 6 (1h30/year)
- DIU Psychopathology and neurologic diseases Paris 6- Paris 8 (2h/year)
- DU Functional Stereotactic Neurosurgery Paris 6 (2h/year)
- DU Integrative Psychosomatic Medicine Paris 6 (1h30/year)
Expertise fields:
- Psychiatry – Clinical research – Pathophysiology – Therapeutic innovation
Boards, learned societies, memberships, scientific expertise:
- Research Committee, FondaMental, since 2009
- rTMS French Club Scientific Council since 2006
- Neuropsychiatric Disorders section of the Faculty of 1000 Medicine since 2005
- French Association for Biological Psychiatry Scientific Council since 2001
- French Abnormal Movements Club Scientific Council since 2006
- French Psychiatry Congress Scientific Council 2009
- Referee: International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Archives of General Psychiatry, Neuroscience, JAMA, PLoS One, New England Journal of Medicine, Neuropsychology, Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, European Psychiatry, Encéphale
- Scientific expertise: AERES, ANR, INSERM, PHRC, French Safety Agency (AFSSAPS), French Assessment Agency (ANAES), Ile-de-France Regional Council, Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, Austrian Science Fund (FWF), European Medicines Agency (EMEA)
Funding (2006-2010):
- Grant ANR Programme Jeunes Chercheurs N° ANR 05 JCJC 0235 01 2006-2009
- Grant Inserm Avenir N° RSE 05 030 DSA 2005-2010
- Grant ANR 2006 Neurosciences, Neurologie et Psychiatrie N° ANR-06-NEURO-006-01 BG EMO/PATH 2006-2010 Team2.
- Grant PICRI Ile-de-France (2008-2011)
- PreSTOC2 DRRC Grant (2009-2012)

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